Who are we?
Hmmmmm . . . we’re still asking that question ourselves. This is what we’ve come up with so far:
Gavin Peebles
Director, typesetter, designer & tea consultant.
Many moons ago I studied publishing in Edinburgh. After graduation I worked in magazine production, design and editorial before falling in love with the intricacies of book design and typesetting.
I’ve now worked as a layout artist, book designer and typesetter for over twenty years and I still get a buzz when I see a title that I’ve worked on displayed on a bookshop shelf.
I’m also very lucky to live with my family in some beautiful countryside. The view from our house is the perfect companion for reading and writing and much of our time is spent doing just that. When we’re not doing things that require us being seated, we walk the hills, cycle, fish the Tweed, make music, cook tasty food, and get beaten at board games and sports by our son.
I drink an awful lot of tea.
Kirsty Regan
Director & business administrator.
I started my first business over 20 years ago, at a time when digital was still a type of watch, rather than a term coined for an entire economy. I’ve always worked with the written word, in news media, political communication and arts marketing, with books providing much-needed escapism at the end of the working day.
I also drink a lot of tea, but my remit does not extend to making it.
© Biblichor Ltd, 2017. All rights reserved.